God's Word teaches followers of Christ to practice hospitality (Hebrews 13:2, 1 Peter 4:9). That is, generously and warmly welcoming others into our lives and homes, which includes our church home. We seek to make newcomers feel welcome and valued at Garden Ranch. Here are some of the ways we seek to cultivate fellowship and hospitality at our church.
Stick Around After Worship - Every Sunday after worship we have folks stick around to talk and catch up after another week of work and life. Feel free to pack your own lunch and join others in the fellowship hall for lunch and fellowship.
Mid-week Fellowship Meal - Every Wednesday we gather for a meal at 5:30pm before our bible study at 6:30pm. A volunteer from our church prepares the meal (Donations are accepted). You are invited to come eat with us as we cultivate relationships and encourage one another.
Share a Meal with Others - Part of our church culture includes sharing meals together in our homes. It is our goal that you would not have to wait very long to be invited over for a meal by one of our members.