We want every person to know and believe the truth. From a Christian worldview, truth is absolute and knowable because the One True Living God who created everything has spoken. God has revealed himself to us through His Word, the Holy Scriptures, and told us everything we need to know about our existence and how we can live in union and harmony with Him for eternity.
God has told us why things are so messed up in our world. The first people God created (Adam & Eve) believed a lie about God and disobeyed Him. This is called sin, and since every human to ever exist are descendants of these first two humans, all humans are sinners by nature. It is in our nature to rebel against God and His design for His creation. God told Adam & Eve, before they sinned, that if they did sin then they would experience death. Death is a result of sin and is justly administered to mankind by God because of their sin. Now, you might be thinking, "isn't the title of this page 'good news'?" Yes, it is. Hang in there.
Repentance & Faith
Resurrection and New Creation